Monday, November 19, 2007

India shining

Incredible India, the fastest growing economy in the world after China, I .T giant, assembly line producer of engineers and managers that feeds the entire corporate world all over. India wants modernity, super fast computers, information technology, video on demand but there is no guarantee of constant supply of electricity in any part of the country. It is convinced that it can jump over the basics.
It wants to develop super fast computers, promote medical tourism and provide advance cardiac surgery and ultra modern diagnostic facilities while easily avoidable child hood diseases are spreading rampantly amongst the underprivileged, sell washing machines that depends on non-existent water supply, drive scores of fast accelerating sophisticated new cars without any roads, go to the moon ignoring the basic transport requirements to it’s citizen.

India has the third largest pool of skilled labor in the world but nearly a third of them are illiterates, can’t read or write.

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